Introducing Our Founder

The first question people ask you when you start your own business is “why did you do it?” The short answer is that there’s no single reason why I started DRSSD – it was a culmination of life experiences pointing me in this one direction.
When I was eight years old, fashion designer was my “what I want to be when I grow up”. As I got older, I gravitated away from my dream and towards having a profession that required a university degree. It turns out this was an important step in launching DRSSD, as I recall one particular occasion when I was in law school and preparing for my first moot court. After 10 minutes of listening to the lecturer’s advice on what the men should wear to court (e.g. colour of their suit, number of buttons on their jackets and slip on versus lace up shoes), he turned to the women and said, “just replicate what the men wear.”
Drssd Clothing, DRSSD Workwear Fast forward a few years and I find myself working in the manufacturing and engineering sector. While I was in the fortunate position of having some wonderful mentors to guide me, being a 20 something year old woman surrounded by men could be an intimidating environment at times. At first, all I wanted to do was fit in and be like everyone else. Over time I realised it was not my job to fit in, it was my job to be myself and share all my gifts with the region I’m proud to call my home.
The need for authenticity wasn’t just in my behaviour, it was also in my wardrobe. Being someone who loves getting dressed in the morning, it came as quite a shock when I started dreading the task I used to love. I felt my wardrobe didn’t reflect the essence of who I am and despite my best efforts, I couldn’t find pieces that would make me feel confident and comfortable at work. Like Vera Wang in her search for the perfect wedding dress, I knew that if I couldn’t find it in a store, I had to create it myself.
The design process for each DRSSD piece is a constant reflection of my time in the corporate sector. From the first design sketch to final approval on a pre-production sample, I am constantly reflecting on the functionality of each piece. I want to ensure each design is comfortable, functional and durable to last as an investment piece.
The Hunter Region is a test ground for new ideas and home to some extraordinary innovations. For this reason, there seems no better place to launch a brand designed for women who want to embrace colour and vibrancy in their workwear. Many people thought this Region wouldn’t survive when the black and white smog of the former steelworks disappeared. I can think of no better way to compliment the blossoming of this region into a creative hub than with bold colours that say to the world “this is who I am.”